Monday, 9 February 2009

The Sixty Year Question

Colonialism (of European nations) in some Arab regions lasted from the 16th century until the end of the 20th century, and while the European civilization was growing, both scientifically and technically, Arabs achievements declined to dismal levels. The fact is that colonialism has disappeard from the Middle East from the middle of the 20th century. So there were still about sixty years for the twenty-two Arab counties to catch pace scientifically with the rest of the world since the end of colonialism. But this didn’t happen. If you might think that sixty years were not long enough, then how can you explain that Israel in those sixty years (and practically in much less) has achieved scientific, technological and medical strength which culminated in numerous Nobel prise winners. Twenty-two Arab counties with trillion of dollars revenue from oil and all of them are lagging behind the Western world scientifically, technologically and medically. I repeat, twenty-two Arab countries lagging behind the Western world, sixty years since the colonialism ended. Pathetic!

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